• authors,  book fairs,  readings

    Reading in Berlin

    This weekend I’ll be in Berlin. I have a reading there on Friday evening at Kulturbremse, Jagowstr. 29 in Berlin Moabit. I’m sharing the reading with Bernhard Stäber. The organiser has called it the “Welten” (=Worlds) reading, because our books each have the word “Welten” in the title. Ju Honisch „Weltendiebe“ In the cellar of an old villa in Munich…

  • writing

    … and once again in English

    One by one I am publishing my books in English. The last one  published was „Jenseits des Karussells“ = „Beyond the Merry-Go-Round“. The book is the continuation of the stories that started with  „Das Obsidianherz“ = “Obsidian Secrets”  continued with with „Salzträume“ = “Dreams of Salt” (in two volumes, as it was too long for one). “Obsidian Secrets” is set…

  • general,  cons

    About cons and witches

    Part of an author’s life is spent at conventions: weekend gatherings of like-minded people. These wonderful folks can then belong to the book industry, the fantasy and SF fandom or – in this case – filk (singer-songwriter ballads on themes of fantasy, science fiction, horror and whatever a filker can think of). Yes. I confess it freely. I am a…

  • readings

    Enchanted nights at Linn Castle – reading

    On September 18, I did a reading at Burg Linn. It was the first “real” reading with an actual audience instead of a digital one. I enjoyed it. The audience seemed to enjoy it, too. Bernhard Hennen moderated the event and had me tell some of my adventures from my time in Ireland. So I didn’t just read, but also…

  • book fairs,  cons,  readings

    Saar Online Book Fair

    The Saar Online Book Fair is over. What has remained is a reading from the book “Elgar Eisbär und die Zivilisation” with a short interview afterwards.           The book fair was well organised, even though I probably didn’t use or even find all the options for interaction. My little avatar bravely trudged through the rooms, but…

  • general,  writing

    New challenges – old haunts

    When I stopped working in my day job, I had assumed that I would now write one novel after another. Indeed, my creativity would know no bounds. Reality tends to catch up with you and life intervenes. I spent the first period of the pandemic prostrate on the sofa. Then I started editing my English manuscripts to market them myself.…

  • general,  writing

    “Weltendiebe” – my new book

    „Weltendiebe“ (Thieves of the Worlds) has been published (so far in German only). It took me some time before I could bring myself to selfpublish it at BoD. But: neither I nor the book are getting any younger. Does that sound a bit frustrated? That may well be so. I write books because I love writing books. Because writing fulfils…

  • writing

    “Call it a Knight” – Short Stories

    Too late again. I should have told you about “Call it a Knight” long ago: my first English-language short story collection. About the title: Yes, there is a knight in one of the stories. He is quite dead. To find out if he stays that way, you would have to buy the book and read it. Over the years I…

  • general

    My books available in English

    When I wrote my first novel, I did write it in English. Some people have asked me why. Actually, there was no particular reason for this, except that I like writing in English. I’m a bit funnier in English than in German. That may be because language also shapes the soul. Language is more powerful than you might think. This…

  • general,  book fairs,  writing

    Stay home and read a book

    So. Since I don’t want to start each one of my entries with an excuse for not having posted anything for such a long time, I’ll start without further ado. My polar bear was to be presented at Leipzig Book Fair, which unfortunately didn’t take place due to Covid19. “Elgar Polar Bear and Civilisation” . This somewhat episodic book describes…