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    Life is not just about writing. Nor is it just about cleaning, shopping, preparing food and physiotherapy appointments. I, for example, sing. I used to write a lot of songs myself: Filk / singer-songwriter stuff / fantasy ballads. This then increasingly gave way to writing books, as if my muse were too overworked to deal with both  songs and novels at the same time. Perhaps there has also been a departmental change: Euterpe (music) has ceded me to Kalliope (epic poetry). They may have shuffled me back and forth for a while. Or they’re taking turns and I just haven’t understood their schedule yet. At least I have to start practising again now, because I’m reading at the Festival Mediaval in Selb from 6 to 8 September 2024, and I’ve been asked to sing something to accompany the reading. I don’t know why I said yes. Apart from practising, it…

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    Cons and Festivals

    In fantasy and science fiction, many books are sold at conventions or festivals. One reason for this is that the majority of fantasy and science fiction novels are published by small publishers who are looking for direct access to the reading public – since they are often enough ignored by the big booksellers and wholesalers of the business. Fantasy and science fiction conventions and festivals offer a good opportunity to present books to exactly those people who do love fantasy and science fiction. It’s a very targeted way of addressing the right customers. Self-publishers are no different. Those of us writers who market our works also cart our books from one event to the next, hoping to find enthusiasts who like to read and as a result like to buy books. This is not always easy because, of course, there are more books “assembled in one place” than even the …

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    My next book project

    I’m currently finalising the first part of the next novel for the publisher Torsten Low, so here’s a small teaser. Working title: “Serpent of Malice” – this is subject to change Location: Cambridge The year: 1887 “Since flirting with the kitchen staff is bad style in any case…” “Never mind the kitchen staff. I saw a… lady. A young lady. A very pretty young lady. A quite astoundingly gorgeous…” “I get the gist, Drossos. Yes. I saw her too. Smallish, trim, with lots of titian hair and of course a hat sprouting feathers. She is not a figment of your imagination. I saw her – and she saw me… emerging from my afternoon swim in my… well.” Drossos looked shocked. “Dash it, Rudyerd! Did she go blind? I am told they go blind in this country if they see a naked man. Or they think of England. Very patriotic indeed,…

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    Old friends

    It’s always great when you meet up with old friends and realise that nothing has changed except the number of wrinkles on your face. I went to school with Renée. She was a year above me. One Monday morning she came to me with starry eyes. “Yesterday at church…” Her father always made her go to church each Sunday and she usually went to the English-language mass. As a diplomat’s daughter, she could pretty much choose her language. “…I turned round and looked into the most beautiful eyes in the world. He is the man of my life! It’s him or no one.” She was 18, I was 17, and to be honest, I didn’t take this spontaneous declaration of love very seriously at the time. I should have done so. They got married and are still together today, decades later. That’s quite extraordinary. Here’s to love!   Übrigens, das…

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    Sturmkrallen – my latest novel, just out

    „Sturmkrallen“, (=”Storm Claws”) is the third and final volume in the series „Die Geheimnisse der Klingenwelt” (“Secrets of the Bladeworld”). It rounds off the story of the cruel Urgorrn monstrosities and the intrepid heroines and heroes who fight them. Sturmkrallen Vol. 3 der Serie „Die Geheimnisse der Klingenwelt“ Amazon KdP, 516 Seiten, broschiert ISBN 9798323173631 Preis € 18,40 / E-Book: € 5,35     The first casualty of war is the truth, and in the eight Duchies of Predorenn truth has been dead for a long time. War has raged here for centuries, and the achievements of culture and reason of a more civilised day and age have long fallen victim to the ever-present violence and treachery. Any knowledge or information may just be an enemy ruse – or not. No one can still distinguish between superstition and a fact-based lore warning of a danger far greater than all the armies…

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    My latest novel in English – World Raiders

    For my English readers : I have a new book out in English: “World Raiders“. This is a novel placed in three different time frames;   – NOW (more or less: I wrote the German version some 8 years ago). – in 1952 (a period somehow caught between postwar and ROARING FIFTIES ( 50ies ): a time of a new and better life after a period of dread and the memory of war and brutal oppression. Still, a time of poverty for many. – SOMETIME, – SOMEWHERE across a gulf of time in an expiring post-apocalyptic future world that has forgotten the technical and scientific achievements and take the remnants of their knowledge for wizardry or magic. One thing they can do, though, is use the dimensional portals or gates into other time periods and different realities. But this is forbidden and punished by death. But the truly fanatic will…

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    The Paracryptozoological Annual Conference

    Last weekend saw me busy at an extraordinary event. The Annual Paracryptozoological Conference took place at the “Bakerstreet“ in Saarbrücken. I was a speaker there. If you don’t know right away what is hidden behind the word paracryptozoology, don’t be embarrassed: It is a field of research that basically does not exist. Paracryptozoology deals with “creatures that are so extinct that they probably never lived”. To sum it up: the little creatures we are researching have sprung from our eccentric brains. And what an impressive number of eccentric brains they were! I am proud of us. A glance at the programme reveals the infinitely important and sometimes very dangerous creatures we deal with. I, for example, or rather my scientific alter ego, Dr. Rosa-Eleonore Meyer-Hübschlieb, am concerned with the Diantus Glandularis Sugens = the carnation sucker, a worm-like parasite with a carnation head, which in its most dangerous form finds…

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    Quotes from my books

    Occasionally I throw quotes from my books into the internet world hoping that someone will find them so exciting that they will want to buy the book immediately. I do make an effort to hunt through the manuscripts and perhaps create suitable background images. Here I throw you a few quotes – with the same hope.  

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    Some of my Favorite Books

    I recently took part in a promotion project: Shepherd – explore * discover* read The best books that combine fantasy with “the past” (shepherd.com) . Here authors present one of their own books together with five of their favorite books that fit the subject or subgenre. A simply wonderful idea! I don’t know yet how many readers it will generate. With advertising and PR, you never really know beforehand, but the idea in itself is great. Have a look at their list of best historical fiction books It’s interesting to put yourself in the context of your own preferences; also in the context of what might have inspired you as an author. Context is ultimately networking. I sincerely hope that readers who have the same preferences as I do will also be inspired to become curious about my book. Choosing five favorite books was not easy. My world is full…

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    My Contribution to an RPG Rulebook

    Well – not really. In fact I haven’t made any active contribution to an RPG role-playing game other than allowing my likeness to be included in the volume as a drawing. The drawing is by Sylvia and I think it turned out really well. I hereby inform you about this crowd funding project in the very own words of one of the editors: “It’s time: The crowdfunding project of the 100 Questen Gesellschaft e.V. for the SAGA OF SILVER & WAHNSINN (has)start(ed) on Saturday at 6:00 p.m. on Startnext. The campaign in 13 single adventures was originally written 30 years ago by Steffen Schütte for the “Stormbringer” role-playing game. Now finally it will be released after several years of preparation. All game values of the campaign were transferred to MYTHRAS and the background world was designed in such a way that all terms are recognizable for those familiar with the…